・Model Contents ・Model: Shuro ・Settings for VRC including expression switching with hand signs ・All textures ・Unity package file ・Specifications ・For Pc only ・Number of polygons: 74,864 ・Number of materials: 4 ・Gesture Manager ・Humanoid Compliant ・Poiyomi Shader 9.0.56 ・VRCSDK3 Avatar ・FBX ・Prefab ・Unity 2022.3.6f1 ・Expressions ・Model Rules ・Reproduction or redistribution of the model data of the VRC 3D model "Shuro" in a form that can extract the model data is prohibited. ・For personal use only. ・No commercial use ・Can be used for Streaming or Youtube videos. ・We assume no responsibility for any damages caused by using this model. Please use it at your own risk and discretion. ・Users of this model are considered to have agreed to this terms of use by using the model data. Update: Model 1.1, facial expressions overlap fixed Update: Model 1.2, facial lip sync/expressions overlap fixed